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Location: United Kingdom

I am a SAHM looking after my 4 children ( Vivienne 14 Ryan 10 Leyonce 9 and Teyla 6 ) and hubby Ryan, Yorkshire terriers Kitty, Khali and Aya and Maltese Momiji.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dug over

Today (first none raining day this week) i locked hubby out in the garden to finish the digging over he began, so we can start to decide whether we will turf, or pave. We think pave with lots of bedding, it will be more ideal for the kids what with the garden being so tiny ( to read hubbys blog go to )

Hubby bought a few little bits and pieces for me this week, a couple of hosta and tricyrtis plants, and (get this) 'tesco value' bulbs of freesia, anemone, gladioli and dutch iris. We'll see if they actually come up this year.

This blog might be taking on an extra content too, as we are going to choose an allotment from a couple of plots next week. I am dead pleased. Will probably mainly be raspberries, blackberries, and some such put in this year, but will be really good. Proper hippy homeschool family we will be then!!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

some plants

Thought i would add a couple of the plants i have in the garden..that i am hoping will be lovely, beautiful and big this year. The photos of the whole garden didn't really show them.
This one is my budleja (butterfly plant) The dark part right in the middle is the size it was when i bought it, all the soft silvery part is the growth thats been going on all winter. I know these things can get huge, which i am excited about, and i can't wait to see the butterflies arriving.

This one is my dahlia cezanne. When the shoots started coming through i chopped off last years growth (i like to keep it as protection from the frosts) I have just treated it like a hardy plant..but on looking up dahlias they are a bulb or root bulb, and if it gets too cold you can pull it up for winter, but mine has been quite happy up on the patio. I think this is beatuiful, but sadly will have to wait till late summer for the full bloom.

This is the rose i found at the end of the garden, looks like it was a huge plant once upon a time. The growth is lovely and green. It was very weak looking, so i have hacked it right back. Being a rose it should come back good this year. I think it has a light pink flower, looking at the one dead one that was on it when we moved here.

And for Nicki (and cause it is my fav at the moment) Here is a close up of buds on my hydrangea. I kept the blooms on all winter to protect it from frost (and because they go quite beautiful, amost skeleton like) I have now cut off about 1/3 of last years growth, to stop it getting to big, but to make sure some of last years growth is still there, as with hydrangeas thats were most of the flowers will come from. Buds have already started quite nicely on mine, so it helped judge were to chop! I wonder what colour it will be! It stayed true blue all last year, but it is still newly planted for a hydrangea. It has a great spot with good dranage at the moment. I can't wait for flowers.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Welcome to my new blog (a branch off from
I have gained the tinyest little postage stamp sized garden, that was a jungle of weeds. Last year we cut back the weeds to start a 'mini' lawn with a few plants. I grew up with a huge garden in norfolk with my VERY green fingered mum and dad, and feel strange with no flowers. When we got a lawn started we discovered the floor was a little 'bumpy'!! so have decided to re turf this year (notice the starting of dug over garden on right)

Last year i planted a few things...this was my hydrangea, which is nicely budding already now and i have cut it back. we planted lots of violas which are getting quite big, and a couple already have flowers this year. And i have high hopes for my buddleja which was planted tiny last year, and has continued to grow through out the winter (right at end of garden on right) There were no plants left in the garden other than a very sad looking rose which i have cut back very hard, i am going to give it lots of love, i hope it flowers this year, would be nice to tell what type it is.